When building beds, MicroLife Ultimate 8-4-6 is the only thing you need to add to your bed prep soil mix. Completely safe, will not burn so you will be rewarded with beautiful, easy to maintain plants and soils. Planting Beds, ornamentals, container growing, top dressing, flowers. All Organic, Biological Fertilizer
Ultimate 8-4-6 has the rich, 100% slow release nutritional compound of MicroLife (over 70 minerals!) plus the right amounts of Humate, Rock Minerals, Bio-Stimulants, billions of Special Bio Inoculants, including Endo and Ecto Mycorrhizal fungi.
Application Rates:
- Bed Prep: 40 lb./1,000 sq.ft.- mix thoroughly in soil.
- Soil Mix: 30 lb. per cubic yard – mix thoroughly
- Top Dress: 20-30 lb. per 1000 sq. ft.
- Containers: 2 oz. per 5 gal.
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